Ruby Monstas

Comparison Operators

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two things, typically numbers (integers or floats)

Comparison Operators

Try these in IRB!

5 == 4
=> false
5 != 4
=> true
1 < 2
=> true

Comparison Operators

Try these in IRB!

1 > 2
=> false
7.1 <= 7.2
=> true
7.1 >= 7.2
=> false


expression1 operator expression2
For example
my_string.length > maximum_length

Note: Expressions can contain variables and method calls, as we have seen before

Note: Comparison operators are like a yes/no question, therefore they always return either


Are the left and right side equal?
Are the left and right side not equal?
Is the left side smaller than the right side?
Is the left side bigger than the right side?
Is the left side smaller than or equal to the right side?
Is the left side bigger than or equal to the right side?

What questions do you have?