Name | Description | Syntax | Examples |
Hash literal | Create a hash | { key: “value” } | hash = {} ages = { ferdi: 32, hana: 33, mario: 22 } | | Create a new empty hash (equivalent to {} ) | | hash = |
Hash access | Access a value by its key | hash[key] | ages[:hana] |
Key deletion | Delete a key-value pair by its key | hash.delete(key) | ages.delete(:mario) |
Empty hash | Remove all pairs from the hash | hash.clear | ages.clear |
Iterate over hash | Iterate over all the pairs in the hash | hash.each do |key, value| end |
ages.each do |person, age| puts "#{person} has value: #{age}" end |
Iterate over pairs | Iterate over all the pairs in the hash | hash.each_pair do |key, value| end |
ages.each_pair do |person, age| puts "#{person} has value: #{age}" end |
Get key | Get a value for a key, with default value if the key does not exist. | hash.fetch(key, default) | ages.fetch(:ferdi) ages.fetch(:hugo, 1) |
Key existence | Ask the hash if it has a certain key | hash.has_key?(key) | ages.has_key?(:marion) |
Value existence | Ask the hash if it has a certain value | hash.has_value?(value) | ages.has_value?(22) |
All keys | Get all the keys stored in the hash | hash.keys | ages.keys |
All values | Get all the values stored in the hash | hash.values | ages.values |
Merge | Merge two hashes | hash.merge(other_hash) | ages.merge({ marion: 30 }) |